Do You Understand The SCIENCE Of Leadership Negotiations? - Off The Record Info


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Saturday, February 24, 2018

Do You Understand The SCIENCE Of Leadership Negotiations?

Do You Understand The SCIENCE Of Leadership Negotiations?

An essential, yet often - neglected, the necessity of effective leadership, is proceeding, with the consistent, persistent, skills and abilities, to achieve the right goals, objectives, and priorities, which might, best, enhance the experience, of, both, one's constituents, and organization! While the right type of positive, can - do, attitude, is a key, the first step, true leaders recognize, they must, negotiate, with a keen eye, on, both, the arts and science of getting this done. With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly examine, consider, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, the SCIENCE of negotiating, which must accompany, doing so, with the finest commitment, to the appropriate arts.

1. Solutions; stronger; see things; settings: Every negotiation has certain unique characteristics, and quality negotiators, realize and take into consideration, the impact of the particular settings! How a leader see things, perceives, conceives, and develops the best course of action, must emphasize making the group stronger, and more sustainable. If one creates and develops, viable solutions, for the better, he begins to address, the best way to proceed, and what must be achieved!

2. Create; character; cooperate: Effectively negotiating must be based on cooperating, rather than any adversarial relationships. Communicating, and articulate, clearly demonstrating and exhibiting, the level of character, which inspires, helps create an atmosphere, where all sides, focus on a meeting - of - the - minds, for the common good!

3. Imagination; integrity; insight: You're not leading, if you merely accept, the same - old, same - old, ways and limitations, rather than proceeding with a relevant imagination, based on absolute integrity, which focuses on solving, both, actual, as well as perceived, challenges and obstacles!

4. Empathy; encourage; earn: When one proceeds with genuine empathy, rather than any personal agenda, and/ or, self - interest, he encourages, all parties, to look at options and alternatives. This lets a leader, actually, earn the respect, of everyone involved, and, thus, create and develop, a true, quality, meeting - of - the - minds!

5. Needs: One must do something, rather than, merely, hope, for the best, and this action plan, must be based on a strategy, which prioritizes needs, concerns, etc!

6. Charges/ costs; clever: An essential beginning, for effective negotiating, is to have a clear - cut idea, of financial/ economic implications/ ramifications, and balance the costs, versus the potential benefits! Those understanding the science of negotiating, proceed, in a clever, focused manner, consistently!

7. Emphasis; enrich/ excellence: When the focus is on enriching the experience of all involved, he emphasizes proceeding, with the utmost commitment of personal excellence! The skills and aptitude of negotiating, commences with caring deeply, and emphasizing, the best way to proceed!

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